Acharya Kamasutra Meditation

Kama Sutra Meditation - Meditation beyond Sex

Kama Sutra meditation has been devised to bring you into complete awareness, in your meditativeness so that you will be able to flow and understand it -with the power of sexual energy. It is a meditation technique to bring you into ultimate consciousness using your sexual energy. When your sexual energy is watched, you will come into a tremendous consciousness. The trance will be felt and this will ultimately take you into Bhramacharya or celibacy. It is simply designed to tap the very sexual energy which is inbuilt within you, you are born with it. It is possible that in your early practice of Kama Sutra meditation, you may feel a sudden boost in your sexual energy, you may feel a sudden uprising for the drive for sex. If this happens, just allow it to happen. Sex is not a sin. Some may also experience a sudden dip in your sexual energy, as if you are now done with sex. If this happens to you, simply allow it to happen. Remember nothing is permanent, the very purpose to devise Kama Sutra meditation is to take you beyond sex, to take you from sex to consciousness, to awareness, to alertness. Sex energy is the major energy within you and the very glimpse of meditation of the trance is the same trance what you feel during sex. Sex is not taboo; it is the very energy of your life, it is the very reason why you are here and surviving – there is nothing wrong with it - and neither there is anything good in it. It is just your physical need, your biological need.

In the Kama Sutra meditation technique, just imagine yourself and the body of your partner being completely naked. Watch the nakedness watch your breathing, watch the body movements, watch your dancing, completely let go of yourself. Be in your alertness in your watchfulness. With regular practice of Kama Sutra Meditation, you will realize that the naked body is not you. You will come into a state where you will completely experience that the watcher is someone else and the doer - the naked body is someone else.

The naked body will take you beyond sex because the thought of sex can only happen when the body is covered, when something is hiding - but when the body is naked and when you realize that every body is just a naked body, the sexual energy, the sexual drive will slowly be transformed into complete consciousness.

The imagination of the naked body is just a device that will trigger the sexual energy within you and this meditation technique will transform the sexual energy from sex to consciousness.

In meditation centers and at home, the Kama Sutra meditation technique is not to be done without wearing clothes, and you do not have to touch your partner. The whole purpose is to watch sex, to watch the orgasm. Ultimately, the word ‘Sex ’ will be gone from you, then sex will no more be a sin, then you will feel it, live it. The entire purpose is to experience that Nakedness has nothing to do with sex and to move beyond sex.

Kamasutra meditation lasts for 45 minutes and has three stages; each stage ends with a gong sound. Watching yourself is to be carried out in all three stages. Keep your eyes closed in all stages, you can open your eyes when each stage ends and enter into the next stage with your eyes closed.

First stage

Remain standing - Watchfully breathe in and out through your nose keep your mouth closed. Start with slow breathing then consciously move to fast breathing. The better and clearer you will be breath, the better will be your watchfulness. Do not do harsh breathing. Then move your body -begin with slow body movements, and continue to move your body slowly. Rhythm your body with the slow romantic music, shake your legs, your hips, your hands, move your hands but slowly, just dance do any type of dance the idea is to move your body. Bring the love out of you which you have been suppressing, feel your hands caressing your body. Feel your sex center, feel and watch the arousal within you. Watch yourself, remain witness, watch your every body movement,remain in total consciousness, do not touch your partner.

Duration of the first stage is15 minutes.

Second Stage

Remain standing - Watchfully and consciously move the lower part of your body. Begin with slow body movements and you may continue with slightly faster body movements. Flow with the romantic music as if you and your partner are in the dance together in the trance called sex. Let your hands feel your self, feel your body, feel your sex center, feel the sexual urge in you, feel the arousal. Watch yourself, remain witness, watch your every body movement, remain in total consciousness, and do not touch your partner.

Duration of the second stage is 15 minutes.

Third stage

While standing - Stop all your body movements in the trance and watchfulness come to a complete standstill and become completely non-active. Just sit silently wherever you are in any position. Forget if your back is upright or not, place your one palm over another - just sit in silence - remain in watching, remain in witnessing – watch your every thought and you will realize your sexual energy will become a vehicle and take you towards total consciousness – remain a witness, remain a witness of your sex center; do not be in a hurry to move out of it.

Duration of the third stage is 15 minutes

People may say that meditation techniques seem like nothing but a wild dance. Let them say – only from the wild you can come into being civilized. The wild dance technique is designed to make you let go – to make you accept all that is within you – acceptance is the key to meditation.

During meditation you may have thought to scratch your body, to move your body, or adjust your sitting position, let all this happen. Do not stop any thought, just flow with it, watch it – during the last stage of sitting in silence. You may suddenly get reminded that today you may have missed an important meeting or you have missed an important due date – do not get up to make a phone call- you may feel some uneasiness because of all the dancing and jumping, simply watch your thoughts. You will realize those old thoughts go and new thoughts take their place – the very technique of meditation is to make you aware that thoughts come and go –you have been giving unnecessary importance to every thought – your realization will make way for the inner silence- it will slowly take you into acceptance.

Become a watcher and not the doer- experience that you and your body are separate.

Watching yourself during meditation practice cannot and should mean to refrain you from taking actions- actions are also part of your thought process- watch your actions too.

People with medical trouble should restrict their deliberate vigorous breathing, dancing, and jumping to a limit which your body permits – do not try to do what others are doing – do not copy anyone - there is no one to give you marks – simply be yourself - the very idea of meditation is not to force but to liberate yourself from the force itself.

Do not watch your pain to an extent that you stop the intake of medical help. Meditation should be added to your life; it is not a substitute for any medical help. Meditation should not be done with a hungry stomach, the comfort of the body is equally important.

The music, the dancing, breathing, body movements, and body positions are devices designed and mixed together to bring you into meditativeness. Watchfulness, witnessing is the key to meditation without coming into watching yourself and witnessing - all the techniques will be just like a dance practice or body exercises, watching yourself and your thoughts is meditation.

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Nothing To Consciousness,
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